Once Upon A Time In London

This is the tale of the adventures of a native Oregonian in London.

30 November 2010

Of Views From The Homestead

North Idaho flora.

Mom in her blueberry patch.

The garden.

Blackeyed Susans. There was a lovely patch in the front garden.

The house from the side. Yes, very exciting, I know, but it's for perspective.

Bok boks.

The woodshed. I think it's kind of cute in a French shabby chic kind of way. (Don't tell my dad I said that. He'll be horrified.)

The rooster bell out front. They don't believe in doorbells in North Idaho apparently.

The view that accompanies my morning cuppa. I can't think of too many Costas or Starbucks with such a fabulous view, can you?


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