Of Weddings and Babies Part Three
Unfortunately I did get a shot of the single most hilarious moment of the entire event. My brother Dan decided to pull a classic "Best Man Joke". When the minister asked for the rings, he yanked open his jacket and declared, "I have a nice selection of items...."
Hey, Christine! Welcome to the nut house. Er, I mean FAMILY. Welcome to the FAMILY!
The reception was at Christine's grandma's house. Christine's grandma is a real pip! And her house is gorgeous. Lots of places for cousins to hang out.

Here's Reann and me (With a very large Jaybird lurking in the background.).
Here is my Natural Gift of Photography at work: Mom with her mouth open. Yep, 'cause I'm awesome like that.
I love this picture of Dad with Sarah. Isn't she just the cutest little thing? Another one of Christine's friend's genius photographs. Jealous? Me?
Lili having a chat with the newest addition to our family. Christine doesn't look ready to run. Yet....
Auntie with Jake. Another lovely photo by the Genius. Sigh. If only I had half the talent. And a ginormous camera. But isn't it sweet? He definitely captured some magical moments.
Naturally Sarah played favorites with Uncle Scott. Traitor. Sarah, not Scott.
And the happy couple. I can't imagine a better partner for my baby brother. I am so glad they found each other.
Christine Marie Duncan & Stephen Wayne Meliza - 28 August 2010
Doubt thou the stars are fire,
Doubt the sun doth move,
Doubt truth to be a liar
but never doubt thy love.
Doubt the sun doth move,
Doubt truth to be a liar
but never doubt thy love.
~William Shakespeare~
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