Of Weddings and Babies
Friday night was Rehearsal Night. Honestly, I've never understood the need to rehearse a wedding, because Somebody (Like my brother, Dan. But that's another story.) always has to throw a monkey wrench into the proceedings no matter how carefully practised the event is. But if it involves hanging out, goofing off and eating stuff, then I'm all in. Plus it's an excellent opportunity to exercise the Meliza "Charm" for Stephen's future in-laws.
Poor future in-laws.
I met my niece, Sarah, for the first time. Cute as a bug's ear and I tried to get her to let me hold her, but she wasn't having any of it.
It also involved the most amazing chocolate oatmeal cookies which were Christine's Secret Weapon in snagging Stephen's attention. They were darn tasty. And if they're that effective, I think I may need the recipe. Ahhh, Christine???
As usual, the Giant Mouse, otherwise known as Dad, is pretending innocence. However, if you look closely at his hand, he is clutching the remains of one of the aforementioned cookies.
And here is the Happy Couple. Ain't they just cute as anything?
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