Saturday dawned bright and early. I did not. Jet lag was still kicking my booty in a big way.
After several cups of coffee, I was kicking jet lag's booty right back. After all, nothing was going to stop me from being bright eyed and bushy tailed for my baby brother's Big Day. Or from hanging with my Poopa who is still kicking it at 90, ya'll.

Also, I had to look super awesome. It's like the law when you're the sister of the groom. Hard to outshine Dad in his snazzy tux, though, don'tcha think?

So here is the nuclear Meliza clan. The originals. The ones that milked goats, picked rocks, annoyed me non-stop.
No, I'm not talking about my parents.

And here's the OTHER Meliza clan... my Tante Elena (That's aunt Ellen to you non-Portuguese speakers), uncle Del (Only because I don't know how to say "uncle" in Portuguese), cousin Dan (Who is either playing Jesus in the next Christmas pageant, or has turned hippie.) and cousin David (Who is awesome because he buys me hamburgers and also because we rock at Mexican train.)

Now I did not take this picture. I know you are shocked. But really, I'm not that good. A friend of Christine's who has the World's Biggest Camera (And obviously some talent which I sorely lack.) took this picture of the grandparents of the groom looking fabulous in their wedding finery.

I didn't take this one, either. But I love it. Here is my new sister-in-law, Christine. Gorgeous, isn't she? What can I say? My brothers obviously have excellent taste. (I refer, of course, to the gorgeousness of my other sister-in-law, Rita. Never let it be said that I play favorites. Ahem.)

And now it's down to business. Getting these to kids hitched. Have you ever seen a man so serious?
I don't know what happened here, but this is the World's Tiniest Picture of Vows (or maybe it was Rings.).
And now, the moment we've all been waiting for. Ladies and Gentlement... The Kiss!
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