Once Upon A Time In London

This is the tale of the adventures of a native Oregonian in London.

02 April 2007

Don't faint... I think it's the sun!

It occurs to me that is has been some time since I last posted. Granted, not much has happened. Then again lots of things have happened. But mostly just ordinary everyday sorts of things.

Now, one thing I have done is have a Girl's Night Out with Michelle and some of her friends in Windsor. Yes, that Windsor. Right, the one with the castle. Yes, yes, the castle where the Queen lives sometimes. THAT Windsor.

It is the strangest thing to be riding along in the back of a taxi, totally enamoured of the cute little shops on one side of the street and then realizing that out of the darkness on the other side looms the walls of a bonafide British castle. And I do mean loom. Not just sort of stand or sit or mosey about, but truly loom. And it's not like there's a great vast lawn seperating you from said looming castle. Oh no. It's right there. As in, you could reach out and touch the stone walls. One side: cute little shops. Other side: Big scary impressive castle. Weird. Just weird. But weird in a good way. Like falling into a Dr. Suess book where everything is just a little strange, but really and truly wonderful.
Don't worry, much more interesting posts to follow. Up next: I follow the footsteps of Jane Austen in Bath and I get lost at my first ever Car Boot Sale! Stay tuned!


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