Once Upon A Time In London

This is the tale of the adventures of a native Oregonian in London.

08 September 2010

Mom and Dad, I'm Moving In...

One of the things I've been thinking about a lot lately is frugal living. Not being a skinflint or cheapskate, but to live better with less.

Granted, I've had some darn good examples of frugal living. If you know my mom, you know just how good she is at it. We always had a garden while I was growing up, and many a summer was spent in the fields and orchards u-picking fruits and veggies. My Aunt Ellen is Queen of Thrift Shopping. I am just a lowly Princess. My aunt Mendy never walks into a store without finding a Super Deal. I swear it's uncanny. I am obviously genetically disposed toward being thrifty.

By sheer necessity I've always lived fairly frugally, but my goal is to be more MINDFULLY frugal. To be frugal with intent and with a goal. To make living better for less something of an adventure so that I can save money to put toward my passions. Such as travelling!

Anyway, in pursuit of said goal, I've been browsing frugal blogs and websites online to get frugal ideas. Unfortunately most of these appear aimed at married people with families and aren't terribly practical for a single person living in a flat share. Hello? Keeping 5 gallon buckets full of chocolate chips and pasta is SO not going to work for me.

So, I'm seeking out these ideas and thinking about how I can transform them into something that DOES work for a single person living in a flat share in one of the most expensive cities in the world. I'm taking steps toward implementing those ideas. Then I'm going to blog about them. You lucky things.

That brings me to the most unbelievable blog post I've read so far.

I put "frugal living for singles" in the search engine and the very first post was by some woman who does a regular spot on frugal living for an online magazine. This person admits to being "married with children", but wants to "give space to every type of cheapskate" (By the way, I HATE the term cheapskate. It's just SO negative.) by writing a "brief post on "cheap singlehood".

Her grand suggestion?

Living at home with mom and dad until you get married. That way you don't have to pay rent and bills like other single people (Though she admits you might have to buy your own food and clothes, etc.) and can save a lot of money.

Seriously? The best advice you can give me, a single 36 year old woman, is to move home with my parents and sponge off them until I can reel myself in a man who can support me? Can we be any more condescending?

Hi, Mom. Dad. I'll be moving into your spare bedroom in Idaho straight away. Don't worry, though. I'll buy my own coffee.



Anonymous Lyn said...

I can't believe that is the best advice she could give I mean come surely she could come up with something better than sponging of your family. Crazy lady. Can't wait to hear what decent suggestions you come up with.

6:24 PM  

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