Of Portland and Maynard Five Star B & B
Labels: Maynard B and B, Portland, USA
This is the tale of the adventures of a native Oregonian in London.
Labels: Maynard B and B, Portland, USA
Labels: Dragonheart, Mexican train, MFC, USA
I don't just loath camping, but loath with a Grande Passione. In fact, I’ve managed to avoid it entirely for a number of years now. My idea of roughing it is staying at a 2 star hotel.
So, you will understand that, perhaps, I am a bit biased when I recount my tales of MFC. But I made a conscious decision to go this year despite my extreme dislike of this particular type of recreation. I wanted to spend time with my family, see the beach, and visit some old friends who now live in
I think I had tried to put out of my mind the downside of camping: bugs, sand everywhere, nasty bathrooms, smoke, and freezing one's bewtox clean off. Though I tried very hard not to be a Whiner, as the evening progressed I was quickly reminded of all of the above. Especially when I got into my tent and found everything damp and covered in sand. Oh, yes, and I shivered the night away instead of sleeping.
Now I remember why I don't like camping.
Also, camping and jet lag really don't mix.
Maybe things would look better in the morning...
Labels: Ellen's B and B, thrift stores, USA
... graffiti (No Roman settlement is complete without it. "Gladius Maximus is gonna kick Harius Minimus's backside", etc.)...
... and toilet paper. You read that right. Toilet paper. It's reusable. Good for the environment. The Romans were all about Green living. Who knew!
While we were there, Mom decided to join up. Doesn't she look fetching in her helmet?
We also took the opportunity to meet up with my mate, Jimbo (Say "hi" to the nice people, Jimbo.). Of course his name isn't actually Jimbo, it's James, but I don't think I've ever called him James. Ever. That would be weird.
I don't have a picture of Jimbo, 'cause he's camera-shy. But one of these days...
After a lovely afternoon in York, we hit the road on our way to Cambridge. A punting we will go...