Once Upon A Time In London

This is the tale of the adventures of a native Oregonian in London.

17 November 2009

Let the Sunshine In!

It's looking good for our Rome trip next week. It looks like it's going to be about 61 degrees and sunny.

While this may not seem extraordinary to the rest of you, to those of us who dwell in London-town, it's downright paradise. London promises to be 51 degrees and rainy. Rome will be practically tropical in comparison.

So, I shall skip out on packing my Wellies and wool coat this trip. Though I won't be rushing out to buy a bikini, either.

Only 8 more days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 November 2009

Shades of Gray

I'm beyond excited today!

I just received a very special post from Amazon. It's my writing buddy Lois's very first novel, Shades of Gray. Woot!

I'm honestly not sure who's more excited: her or me. Who cares! It's celebration time!

This has given me such a kick up the booty to keep writing and get my novel finished. I'm currently on Chapter 17, and I'm planning to have about 20 or 22 Chapters.

Plan: Finish the first draft by Christmas.

Here I go.....

And seriously, if you are an urban fantasy kinda person, check out Lois's book. I promise, you won't be disappointed! (It's also available for Kindle for those of you techno-geeks. I'm totally old school, though, and got the paper.)

(Mom, you're not allowed.)

12 November 2009

When Pigs Fly

Ok, it wasn't the swine flu, but it was something equally yucky and it totally prevented the grand Diwali adventure. I couldn't even go to the company Diwali party, which was a bummer.

Even more exciting was that the coldy fluey thing turned into a lovely eye infection which prompted the rather expensive purchase of a pair of specs. Seeing is good. I like seeing.

The good news is my glasses are super cute.

In other good news, I'm over the flu, my eye is all better (Though I'm still wearing glasses. Just in case.), and I got loads of compliments on my new eyewear. Apparently, they make me look intelligent.

The best news of all, however, is that it's only TWO MORE WEEKS until I jump a plane to Rome. Yeehaw!!!!!!!!! And I've got a brand new digital camera with an 8GB memory card for the taking of copious amounts of pictures.

I'm also in the midst of plotting and planning the company Christmas party. It's going to be a Medieval Banquet this year, so much hilarity and funny pictures should ensue.