Adventures In York, Chapter One: Feed Me!
My adventures in York were aided by my dear friend, Jimbo. His name isn't really Jimbo, it's James. But I call him Jimbo.
Jimbo and I have known each other the better part of six years (scary). We've been pen pals for years, but now that we live in the same country, we get to do fun things like drive each other nuts with text messages. Even better, we get to send the entire North Country into absolute panic on our marvelous adventures (His dear mother aids us in our adventures by kindly allowing me in her guest room at Chez Vines).
So, Jimbo and I set out for York at the rather decent hour of 9am - ish. Well, I wasn't quite done with my hair at 9am, so it was really abou 9:17. But, hey, a girl's gotta look good. Naturally, Jimbo forgets his road map, but is convinced he can remember the way. Riiiight.
After driving through a plethora of back alleys and one-horse towns, we arrive in a marginally decent size town with an actual round about with signs pointing to York (Keep in mind that up until this point there have been absolutely no actual road signs listing York on them. York is a major city. In fact, it is THE major city in that part of the country AND the capital. And yet, no road signs. This baffles me greatly.). Jimbo follows the signs round the roundabout. We go down some streets which come out... at the roundabout! We go round it again. I'm starting to see visions of Chevy Chase. Finally we work our way out of the roundabout and down the proper road to York.
York is less than an hour from Scunthorpe where Jimbo lives. We arrive in York well after 11am. You do the math. Naturally I don't point this time discrepency out to Jimbo. Oh, no. I would never do that.
By this time I am hungry. Very hungry. And so we seek out that classic British cuisine... pub grub!
York is positively swimming in pubs, but the Golden Lion looks promising (and thankfully doesn't boast at being the most haunted pub in York). There isn't any gold, or any lions, but it's a nice cosy sort of place and the food is delicious! Jimbo orders the classic British fish and chips, whilst I (president of the I Hate Fish Club) order another classic Brit dish, bangers and mash. YUMMY!

Replete from my repast (and much less grumpy) I'm raring to go. Off to the castle.............!
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