Once Upon A Time In London

This is the tale of the adventures of a native Oregonian in London.

26 August 2008

Catch Up

My apologies for the long pause between posts. Why the long pause? Well, life, really. Stuff just happens. Not particularly interesting stuff, just stuff. But to catch you up...

1. I moved to a new part of London. Love it.

2. Started taking aqua aerobics classes with my friend, Kabita. Fantastic fun and our teacher is a lunatic. In a good way.

3. Got hired to write 8 articles a month for a website in Florida. Go me!

4. Won a recipe contest and my brownie recipe will be appearing in the next Cook Yourself Thin cookery book out for sale in the UK in Jan of '09.

5. Been spending lots of time with friends, checking out new restaurants, revisiting old favourites, enjoying festivals, shopping for new jeans I still haven't bought and generally having a whale of a time.

6. Playing tour guide to my aunts. It's a wonder they didn't fire me.

And that, my dear friends, is what I've been doing. More or less.


Blogger Globegirl said...

Ahhh...so the aunties decended, eh? Any photos in front of hunky statues? Oh wait, I guess that's our new tradition.

3:59 PM  
Blogger SheaLuna said...

LOL. Can you imagine me and my aunts in front of hunky statues? Actually, I take that back, it'd probably be right up their alley...

But then, as you say, that's OUR tradition. I hear there's lots of hunky statues in Greece...

4:42 PM  

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