Fun With Visas

For those of you who don't know yet, I will be leaving the land of my birth for the land of my great-great-great(etc.) grandfather's birth. Well, it's quite a few greats, actually. But the point is, I am moving to the UK in August of 2006. Why, you may ask? Well, just look to your left and I think you will figure it out in short order. His name is Marco. I love him like crazy and we're getting married this August!
The plan is for me to fly to London in August, after which we will get married and then honeymoon in Paris and Rome. We'll be residing near London in a place called Uxbridge. Marco has already rented a one bedroom flat in a really nice location. Can't wait to see it! After registering our marriage with the Home Office in London, I will be allowed to work in the UK, so I will begin looking for a job.
But before all this happens, I need a UK Settlement Visa. So, all kinds of lovely paperwork has to be done. Marco and I are getting everything we need together. Hopefully I will be able to get everything together and sent in to the UK Consulate in Los Angeles by the end of this month or the beginning of June at the latest. Things are moving along swimmingly!
I won't update this post much until I actually get to London, but check back for updates now and again. And keep your finergers crossed that everything goes smoothly and quickly with the Visa application process!
I think your adventure is every bit as big a deal as mine. At least I plan to come home someday!! I'll see you in two years on the continuation of my around the world trip.
Till then - take care.
Send lots of photos so that we can visit England through your eyes. God bless you dear niece.
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